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Medical Surveillance

Medical surveillance is the process of evaluating the health of employees as it relates to their potential occupational exposures to hazardous agents. Ajyad Occupational Safety & Health aims at setting a standardised method of medical surveillance and record keeping that meets international and local (DOSH) standards. Ajyad Occupational Safety & Health will also assist employer and employees with safety and health concerns at the workplace in order to protect the Malaysian workforce against the hazardous chemical exposure as stated in the ‘Use and standard of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health’ Regulation 2000 (USECHH).

Examples of Medical Surveillance provided:

1. Silica (quarry)

2. Noise 

3. Lead

4. Any chemical Hazard

5. Dust hazard

6. Nickel

7. Solvent

Services Provided:

1. Consultation by certified Occupational health doctor

2. Physical examinations

3. Spirometry

4. ECG

5. Chest X-ray

6. Audiometry

7. Blood and urine examinations

*we also provide on-site medical surveillance

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